Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Str8 Skype'N, Dawg...

It turns out that I was a "late bloomer" on the Skype tip (yeah, I know, I'm supposed to know what's up, right?) ... I have been using it for about 6 months, while others I know much longer (when did Skype launch its first version, anyway?). Whatever the case, I dropped a whole 10 Euros for 10 HOURS of PC-to-Phone talk time (to my family back in the states) .... it's funny, as I can talk for 1.7 cents per minute, while I'm charged probably a tad more if I want to call my next door neighbor in Prague (via the nortorious Cesky Telcom, the monopoly of monopolies). Too bad I can't use Skype to PC here (prices for calling Czech hardlines aren't bad, but mobile phones shoot up to almost 20 cents per minute) ... Whatever the case, I'm gonna invest into a wireless version of a Skype handset for my house when I can find one here (one day) ....

I also noticed, on the wireless front, that Skype has a Pocket PC version of their software -- I was so stoked, until I tried installing it. It is for PPC 2003, while I'm running 2002 on my F-S LOOX (yeah, yeah, read the webpage better). I was set to go Skype full-time .... I keep sending Skype feedback to let them know they REALLY need to get their client software onto the Symbian platform -- just imagine Skype on your Symbian phone ... with an unlimited data plan (from one of the 2 (out of 3) carriers in the CZ who offer such a plan, I'd be there) ... Skyping for life ... it'd cut down my other costs -- which is why its not gonna happen anytime soon (come on Skype, I'd get it ported -- just open up a community so people can make their own clients like Jabber does in the IM market!).

You'd only add a 100 million more clients over night ....

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